Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Browser Antivirus

Epic is the first ever browser for the Indians, by the Indians. It claims to be the worlds only antivirus browser. One month after its release lets checkout whats in store for us in this epic browser named Epic.

Epic is the First browser For india powered by Mozila with antivirus . Its is Faster and blazing speed than other browser . Type in more than 12 indian language , add 2500+themes in the browser . indian content like live cricket scores , top music and 1000+ applications .

Get Facebook , Gmail , Google plus , Blogger , twitter and other social networking in a alerts . Epic protect from 3million malicious sites .

Features :-

1.Blazing Fast Speed.
2.Maximum Security for Browser .
3.Sidebar Applications.
4.2500+themes and wallpapers.
5.Type in 12+ indian languages.
6.18live tv stations .
7.Social Networking and email alerts .
8.In built Multilingual word processor .
9.Kill tracking cookies 

Download it Now . 


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