Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Android Security

Cyber world is Full of Dangerous Virus . Each and Everyday thousands of new viruses are being created and thrown into the world of Internet . If you are not the victim of any virus till now you are Quite lucky . But you can't relax with that , if you ignore to use an antivirus on your mobile . that I am sure that your mobile will get affected in Future with hell lot of viruses . To Save your smartphone from Dangerous Virus , Worms , Spywares and Malware , Antivirus is most For you Android Mobile .

Do you think that the Apps From the play store of Android is Safe ? If you do think that those apps are safe then here is a Bitter Truth for you .

Apps from Android Play Store are not 100% safe .

Actually to place an app in the app store , Developer have to sign up for the Developer Account which costs only 25$ and from that account they uploads their applications . Here the problem is , there is no filtering mechanism to check the apps for the viruses . So anyone can create a Malicious Code and can upload in the market . People who ever downloaded and install get affected .

After reading the above thing i am sure that even you will show interest to install good antivirus on your android mobile . I have made the some of good Antivirus available in the Market . Just Go through one of the Following :

1. Avast Antivirus For Android .
2. Quick heal Mobile Security .
3.Kaspersky Antivirus for Android .
4.Norton Antivirus .
5.Bitdefender Antivirus .
6.McaFee Antivirus for Android .
7.Look out Security Antivirus .
8.Dr. Web Antivirus Light.
9. NetQuin Mobile Security
10. Zoner Antivirus for Android . 

So these are top Antivirus that are available in the market for free . Just Pick anyone of them and install on the android device . No Matter what sort of device it is , these app will work on all devices like android devices , android tablets etc . .....


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